Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Day 9: My Pet

"If I had a dollar for every time my pet made me smile, I'll be a millionaire."
Yes, pets are a big responsibility. Buying food, toys, bed and don't forget doctor visits but pets are big stress relievers and great companionship.

Your pet and your health
Not even realizing it but simply petting your pet relaxes you (also very enjoyable for them too). It releases feel-good endorphins in you, reducing your heart rate. Even when you "happy talk" with your pet can improve your overall health. Laughing or communicating with them releases hormones that will lower your blood pressure and make them feel better too, even if it feels weird it puts you at ease.
Relationship and your pet
Your pet doesn't care about what you look like or what you are wearing. They love you for you! Pets are carefree and playful, you are prone to just live in the moment. Taking care of pet teaches responsibility, stimulate feeling of trust, openess and companionship.

Pets are one of the best members of your family. Yay Pets!!!