Friday, May 22, 2015

Day 7: Take a Walk Through the Park

Its no walk in the park!

Seriously things are no walk in the park BUT walking in a park is simply relaxing and of course great exercise.

 Most people think walking is just to much work (come on you know you thinking it). Or we just don't walk anymore cause we have our drivers license, don't have time or the energy, and no one to walk with!

But walking is beneficial for our emotional and physical well-being! 
  1. Good for your health
  2. Excellent way to lose weight
  3. Helps prevents heart disease
  4. Great way to relax
  5. Helps reduce anxiety
  6. Reduces feelings of depression
  7. Stimulates their thinking
So here is what you can do! Grab a someone, your dog or your headphones and walk for 30 minutes a day. Walk through the park and enjoy nature!!! See how your body and mood just changes.