Saturday, May 23, 2015

Day 8: Put Your Running Shoes On

Spring is in the air!!! So dust off those running sneakers, leave the treadmill alone and go for a run outside

Did you running makes you happier. Yes, I know exactly what your thinking.....HOW? Simple running release endorphin in the brain. It is a natural drug that gives you a high, also known as "runner's high".  Studies show you will be more awake, more energized and HAPPIER!! So who needs coffee!!!

Running increases your self-esteem. This is what leads to you becoming more happier! The mind is building up the notion that you can do it, you can do anything you put your mind to. This is called "self talking." You say good things to yourself "you can finish the race" or "keep going, almost there." Self talking will not only happen when you are running but will begin to crawl into your daily life. So set some goals for yourself, run for 30 minutes or 1 mile. Whatever you choose just start running.

Now stop reading this, get up and go for that run! Like now lol!